I was not going to post about this but it turned out so well I needed to....for Shannon's 13th birthday we had a Spiderwick Sleep-over party. She had three friends
come. When they came in the door there were jars filled with colored water around the room....we asked if they could see anything in them? All said no, since they did not have the "sight" they could not see the creatures (more on this later). Everyone unpacked their things and talked for a little while. Then we ate pizza and soda. Then had cake, Shannon wanted dragons on it since this was a make-believe party. She requested a chocolate cake. The girls sang to her even though Shannon did not want them, too. After dinner they feed the horse. Then we watched the movie Spiderwick. Only one other girl besides Shannon has read the books. All my kids loved the 5 book series. It is a very intense movie. I would not have let my 5 year see it if not for, well the littlest one sees more things then the first. They had popcorn and some junk candy (which my kids never get, they were so surprised). But to contrary belief they did not gorge themselves. They made sure everyone got some. Towards the end of the movie I slipped a small torn note in the sofa. Someone found it and it read a riddle on how to find Mr. Spriderwick's Fieldguide.
We hid it the same as in the book. Wrapped in brown paper, tied with string, sealed with wax, wrapped in old shirt, hide in a trunk. All this was hidden in the room. After they found the book, looked through it (it's a really cool field guide) they headed out to the trampoline with glow necklaces and bracelets. The younger children went to bed. They jumped for almost an hour, even in the rain....crazy girls.
They came in and changed into bed clothes.
Shannon opened presents.
They then just hung out all night, I was with them while they showed each other stuff on computer. Not one complained of me watching over them and the computer...great girls! Then they went upstairs to sleep....after a few minutes of chatting. This was around 2am. Then I made the room change into Mr. Spriderwick's laboratory.
Filled the jars with creatures (told you it was coming), hung fake spider webs every where, set tomato juice, oatmeal, salt, & honey on counter
(see the movie or read the books to find out why you need this stuff), and even wrote on the walls coming down the stairs, "Click, Clack, watch your back." (I wrote with chocolate, so I could wipe it off...didn't have anything else).
The next morning, Jack hid the riddle clues through out the yard. When the girls woke up and came down stairs they read the message on the wall and we squirt water in their faces (this is how you get the sight, again read the book)....plus it woke them up more. Then they could 'see' the creatures in the jars....also they were surprised at all the room decor....this set the stage for the whole day. They feed the horse, then we had pancakes with strawberries, blue berries and whipped cream, yum!
Then the games began. They wore red shirts...did you know that sprites do not like red? They first made a circle of protection around the house.
Then we through fake bombs (water balloons)
at the approaching trolls (siblings-Jack, Kelly Belle, & Kyle)
. Then they went on a Sprite riddle hunt. Shannon made up all the riddles, they were great!!! We rolled them up and sealed each one with hot wax seal. We even hid one at the creek in a bottle...so fun.
Who says you need formal poetry class...she wrote 7 riddles this weekend that rhymed and made you think!
After the games we did lots of crafts. 1: Made Sprites, out of silk flowers 2: Fieldguides, notebooks 3: Pixie potion jars, sand art 4: Dragon figure, too big, sent home to finish. 5: Brownie house, this was a group effort for Shannon's brownie. Had bags that they decorated to take everything home in.
We ended the day with lunch, and then 'Brownie' (read the book) sundaes.
All the girls got along and we all had a fun! I was tired but I would do it again....it turned out great.