Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Gardening Today

Yesterday, I weeded more blackberry bushes off my hill next to the driveway. These guys are strong and multiple fast. My hill project will be a long and painful one. When we moved in the hill was overgrown with wild weeds of all kinds. I am slowly clearing it.
Today my friend, Helen brought me several different types of tomato plants. Got them planted in the garden area. I also found some bean and cucumber seeds, planted them. We'll see if the grow??!
Added a thornless blackberry plant in the baby bed (a small raised bed for young plants) along with the blueberry bush babies. These will be planted this fall if strong and large enough.
While in the garden I noticed our 1st strawberry is ready. I planted 8 strawberry plants given to me by my friend Claudia. Well after the snow blizzard, rabbits trying to eat them, sheep trying to eat them and me hacking them with a hoe...we finally got ONE. I hope more are to come.


I am such a BAD gardener....thanks Helen for all your patience!!


Christy said...

Sounds like a great day of gardening.

helenw said...

You are not a bad gardener! Gardening is all about learning from your mistakes - I've just made a lot more mistakes already!