Helen arrived and helped me, well ok planed the whole lay out. Then we moved 12 large stepping stones to the garden area. This way the garden was divided in four equal parts with a circle in the middle. BTW: my favorite shape is a square. That's another story :o). Then we started planting, well once again she planted and I watched and took notes. No, really I did plant some stuff. We added several tomatoes, basil, thyme, lemon balm, peppers, tomatillos, and a gourd. How cute all those baby plants were. Then a few days later I (yes I) planted squash, corn, cucumbers, green beans, and sunflowers. I threw them in holes, no real plan.
Well, I watered and watered. Then I watched and watched. Was like pregnancy, slow start and then bloom. The first plant was this wonderful gourd plant that Helen brought from her yard. WOW what large leaves and flowers. Then one day I was walking and weeding and notice the largest yellow squash ever! Well, my first garden test. That was NOT a gourd plant but squash...oops! Now all the squash plants are producing well. The kids are soooo tried of squash. Sorry we are on a farm now you eat what we grow, hee hee.
Here is a picture of the mystery squash/gourd plant on the right
and my so called squash plant on the left. Notice the size difference. Now, you can see why I think Helen is one of the best gardeners...everything she plants grows well! I still have a lot to learn about gardening. But it is a rewarding thing to do. To watch a small plant, grow and produce something.
To quote my favorite gardener, "All plants want to live." by Helen.
Some pictures of my first garden, who had to fight to live.
This tomato plant and basil were planted by the front steps in the flower bed. I like to see practical plants and decorative plants planted together.
I love the way you put the boxes to separate plants. Smart idea.
A beautiful garden of green stuff too.
Your garden looks great! Wish I could do that. I have a black thumb!
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