Well, we rented the glasses and the movie, "Journey to the Center of the Earth". The new one with Brendon Frasier, ok he's getting fat. But he is still cute to me. We got the popcorn and soda and then action.
I thought Kelly was going to scream and pop at everything. So her personality, "I can see it, I see it..." even though nothing was happening. She is so easily impressed, LOVE IT!
Jack, handle things as well as expected. Since this movie wasn't really scary and not gory at all. But it did have the jump out and surprise you, factor. Jack doesn't do well with suspense.
Shannon, thought it was "cool". And wanted to see it again. She thought the whole glasses, the movie, how it all worked was fascinating. Plus she wants to read the book, of course.
Kyle, well he lasted 5 minutes with the glasses and said, "You can hold them."
All the kids enjoyed the movie and hey, it was corny but I'd see it again.
We love family movie night (every Saturday night, if you are in the neighborhood, join us). Well with one exception, Jack can't stand when it's a Barbie movie. We just do it to drive him crazy.